Submit File

Submit Your Files Here

Thank you for looking to submit a file to us! Use this page to submit your files, following the submission guidelines on our Introducer Resources page. Please note, we are currently not accepting SBLC/MTN files for trade at the moment.

Step 1

We receive high volumes of files, of varying degrees of quality and provenance. As it takes time and resource to complete our Due Diligence on each file, before a file is submitted, we require that the client completes the Preliminary Enquiry Form available below. All questions should be answered fully with considered responses. Please do not enter “refer to KYC” as an answer to a question. Once we have received the completed Preliminary Enquiry Form we will commence our initial checks and, if we feel we can assist with a program that is relevant to the client, we will invite the broker to submit their clients’ file on this page as Step 2 below.

Step 2

This will send the file safely and securely to our administration team who will review the file and acknowledge receipt. Please note, most platforms require the file and documents within it be no older than 72 hours by the time they receive it. Therefore, we advise against submitting files when our offices are closed, as they will not be picked up outside of office hours. Our office hours are Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 17:00, London Time. Submitting files late on a Friday afternoon, runs the risk of documents being out-of-date by the time we have opportunity to process them on Monday. We also request that documents are no older than 48 hours when submitted to us, to enable us to have time to package and submit to the intake officer before the 72 hour deadline.

Only complete this form if you have already completed Step 1 and have received an email from us to proceed to Step 2!